Sunday, March 27, 2011

Super Monkey Ball 3D test on nintendo 3D

It is in discovering the Monkey Ball series has almost ten years we realize how quickly time passes. Yet AiAi and company are already appeared in a bunch of album since, working on almost all consoles. It is therefore not surprising to see them point to the new 3DS, the latter benefiting more opportunities that seem well suited to the series. Obviously, we think the first 3D feature, but do not forget the motion detector allows one type of gameplay original, even if it is based on the same principle as the Wii episodes.
Side of gameplay, No surprise. Super Monkey Ball 3D takes the basic concept has existed since the first episode. We must take a monkey trapped in a ball along a tortuous and full of precipices. While the principle is in controlling the inertia that you request a clarification if you do not want divine not you look ridiculous. It must therefore remain calm and avoid sudden movements. Finally if the course is your main goal, collecting bananas on the road is equally important not only for your score, but also garner a few extra lives (one every 30 bananas). This is especially important in the challenges of fashion Monkey Ball where you have to follow up 10 levels (including bonus) with a number of lives. Given the number of obstacles that stand before you as the labyrinthine zone, bananas along the track, the bumpers or the slopes and terrain, it will take much skill to get by.
For this, two gameplay await you. One lets you direct the ball to stick in some classic and the other lets you use the gyroscope to the console, which picks up your movements to control the character by moving the route. While it is often expected to catastrophic results with this type of handling, Super Monkey Ball 3D is doing very well, so much so that the gyroscope be even more intuitive than the control stick. Amazing! Unfortunately, a small problem suddenly comes knocking at our door. As you know, another feature of the new Nintendo portable, 3D, needs to remain extremely stable while you play. You guessed, this is absolutely incompatible with the gyro and will therefore have a choice between the two. It's a shame, because the 3D renders pretty well on this game .. The other problem of how Monkey Ball is that there are only 70 levels. So certainly, a principle of Super Monkey Ball is doing and retesting to beat his best score (a Training mode allows you to do regardless), but it is true that the number is low, especially when we discover that the game has more to offer us.For if two other game modes available to us as well say that the pleasure generated by the gameplay descends to a blow to the endless limbo. First, we have a Monkey Race mode, a nice ersatz Mario Kart which could have removed the fun, interest and charisma. Not only are the circuits of a total boredom, but in addition it may be seen to get lost at times due to a design really lousy. Although the number ofitems is quite comprehensive and can choose between karts with different characteristics, but nothing can make up a terrible lack of soul, even if you do it several since this mode is playable up to four. The more daring will launch probably in competitions, but without much conviction. Behind the alternative that comes close most of the content of Monkey Fight, managed to do almost worse! Again, not really original as it is a pale copy of Super Smash Bros.. And when we say light is at the limit of transparency. On a 2D plane, we must pick up bananas while sticking a few frigged other three monkeys to pick their own. Weak moves and quick blows strong and slow, charged attacks, everything is ... except the pleasure! In fact, one gets the impression of watching a big boxing without any flavor. In addition, the camera does not offer a fixed plane base and just rather follow your character, you do not show what is happening outside your field of vision restricted. In short, like Monkey Race mode, it seems to play a minigame barely evolved came to swell the contents of a title ended in a hurry.

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