Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dragon Age: Origins Cheat Codes

Console Command Codes

Make a shortcut to your desktop of "daorigins.exe" (Dragon Age/bin_ship/daorigins.exe) go to shortcut properties, and under Target add -enabledeveloperconsole (after ..daorigins.exe" )

This can be done on the Steam version by right clicking on the game in your Games List, choosing Properties, and clicking Set Launch Options. This allows you to enter command line option.

Then go into the keybindings.ini file located in "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\" Find the line "OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X" (GRAVE is default, change X to any button that is not already used in the game.)

Save the file, and start the game with the shortcut you created on your desktop (daorigins.exe - shortcut)

In-game, you press the key that you have chosen (Keyboard::Button_X) and then type the following codes: (Note, this has only been tested on the retail version, and not the Steam version. Also, you may not see the console, or what you are typing, this is normal.)
Cheat Effect
runscript addxp X X is the amount of XP you wish to add.
runscript zz_money X X is the amount of Copper you wish to add. 1000 is 1 Gold.
runscript killallhostiles Kills all hositle creatures in area.
runscript pc_immortal God Mode. (You will still take damage, but will not die.)
runscript zz_addparty NPCname Add party member by name
runscript ai off Turns off AI
runscript selectparty Party select screen
runscript chargen Origin screen
runscript zz_addparty Allows player to break the party companion limit
runscript zz_dropparty Removes entire party
runscript zz_pre_demo2 Teleports player and party to Ostagar
runscript zz_pre_strategy Teleports player and party to Duncan's fire in Ostagar
runscript zz_talk_nearest Talk to nearest NPC
runscript healplayer Heals player/party
runscript zz_addapproval X YY Add to a companion approval rating, X = companion, YY = Amount
runscript addtalent [number] Adds the talent or spell corresponding to the number to your character
runscript bowlingforferelden Knocks back enemies and forms a shield around you.
runscript warrior Turns you into a Level 2 Warrior
runscript rogue Turns you into a level 2 Rogue
runscript wizard Turns you into a Level 2 Mage
runscript removetalent xxx Removes the talent with the ID = xxx from the character personal profile.
runscript zz_jump_around Teleports you to random locations on the current map
runscript zz_party_addgifts Adds the plot sensitive party member gifts to your inventory
runscript zz_reveal_map Removes any ghosting from the map on your map screen
runscript cheater Adds all achievments to your player profile
runscript zz_cli_debug Jumps you to the climax at redcliffe castle (use at own risk)
runscript zz_givearmor Creates all Dragonbone Legion armor in the PC's inventory.
runscript zz_createrunes Creates one of every rune type, as well as the Oathkeeper Sword in the PC's inventory.
Runscript zz_upgrade Brings up the Enchantment Menu
runscript chargen 0 Starts the character generation interface
runscript chargen 1 Starts the character level up interface
runscript ai abilities 0 Perceived enemies can't use special abilities.
runscript ai on Turns on AI.
runscript injury remall Removes all injuries from self.
runscript injury remparty Removes all injuries from party.
runscript zz_pre_debug Starts the Prelude Debug Helper Script which allows modification of plot states and teleporting.
runscript zz_cir_debug Starts the Circle of Magi Debug Helper Script which allows modification of plot states and teleporting.
runscript zz_orz_debug Starts the Paragon of her Kind Debug Helper Script which allows modification of plot states and teleporting.
runscript zz_arl_debug Starts the Arl Eamon Debug Helper Script which allows modification of plot states and teleporting.
runscript zz_urn_debug Starts the Urn of Sacred Ashes which allows modification of plot states and teleporting.
runscript zz_starmetal_sword Adds both the 1H & 2H Starfang swords into the player's inventory (must have the Warden's Keep DLC)
runscript zz_epi_debug Starts the Epilogue Debug and allows changing plot states and starting the epilogue immediately.
runscript zz_ran_debug Starts the Random Encounters Debug Helper Script which allows modification of plot states and teleporting.
runscript zz_lot_debug Starts the Lothering Debug Helper Script which allows modification of plot states and teleporting.
runscript zz_ntb_debug Starts the Nature of the Beast Debug Helper Script which allows modification of plot states and teleporting.
runscript zz_den_debug Starts the Denerim Debug Helper Script which allows modification of plot states and teleporting around Denerim and the Landsmeet
runscript zz_dlc_debug Starts some Test Script which allows some modifications of plot states and teleporting.
runscript zz_wmp_debug Starts the World Map Debug Helper Script which allows altering the main plot states and finish any of the main quests immediately.
runscript zz_camp_debug Allows you to set the plot flag for and start the camp ambush, as well as teleport to the first camp you make.
runscript zz_party_addgifts Adds the following gifts to inventory: - Antivan Leather Boots, Dalish Gloves, Alistair's Mother's Amulet, Duncan's Shield, Andraste's Grace, Cute Nug
runscript zz_char_creation Opens the character creator screen. Warning! This will override your game and you will lose all progress
runscript zz_getparty Gathers all immediate party members
runscript levelparty ? resets party level, stats, etc. Adds assorted items to inventory. Removes and destroys all equipped items (unequipped items still may be overwritten b
runscript zz_set_trap Adds traps to inventory
runscript e3_addparty Adds Jory and Daveth to party
runscript zz_eurodemo_end Teleports player and party to Dalish Camp
runscript zz_add_skills3 Adds 3 Skill Points. They are visible after saving and reloading the game.
runscript zz_economizer Unequips all gear you're wearing.
runscript zz_supercrit player Gives the plater 1000 mana, 1000 health, 50 Strength, and 50 Dexterity
runscript dbg_setattrib [attrib] [value] Gives you a 180 sec. buff where [attrib] is a number from 1 to 6 (1 being str, 2 dex, etc. in order) and [value] is the amount by which you want the b
runscript zz_jump_around Teleports you to set teleport points on the current map.
runscript zz_deathblow Causes your character to animate a random finishing blow based on what weapon you have currently equipped. Weapons without a finishing blow will cause

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