Monday, March 28, 2011

Asphalt 3D games test on nintendo

This is the kind of typical reaction that may cause the new title from Gameloft, at least when we did not buy. From the introductory video visual quality dating back a dozen years, one guesses about where it has set foot. Yet the saga of Asphalt has accustomed us to good things in the past, often considered one of the best series of games on mobile cars. Thus, we expected a quality product at the impeccable production, hence the surprise at this contraption not even finished.
The principle of Asphalt, it is known. Driving cars brand is used items, Skids and other long-distance jumps to fill a gauge nitro. If it can be used for small boosts from time to time, wait until the gauge is full before using it will launch a super turbo much faster. Moreover, it shows the shortcuts and sends them collapses faster opponents returning it. It is extremely simple and in theory is supposed to be effective ... Except that in practice there is also an evil entity that attacks often games developed in a hurry: the Bugs. So this is where the magic happens, because Asphalt 3D is shielded from end to end at the point of whether the app has been tested by its developers before being placed on trade. Begin, for example, with the dreadful collision handling that seems based on a totally random system. The same shock at the same speed may very well result in removal of your vehicle or one you just hit. Worse still, your car may very well stop immediately while its speed is always recorded at 250 km / h, thus making you restart suddenly loud as possible. So, whenever one is pursued by the police, we believe in the Benny Hill Show. Multiple contacts are an opportunity to attend a festival of visual inconsistencies and misfires, in short, anything big. But if these Bugs have a great impact on the gameplay, What about the skids completely missed that give the impression of dragging (or virtually stopping) in a turn while the meter still shows 220 km / h? Besides a general rule, the game suffers some impressive waterfalls framerate when more than two vehicles are present on the screen at the same time, history in addition to chaos. Obviously, this causes some surprises, like cars off the road that appear right before your very eyes, as if by magic, causing an accident causing you to lose the race, which will never happen to elsewhere.
Here, theIALet's talk about. If you felt cheated that the console when you're playing Super Mario Kart, Asphalt 3D is an opportunity to discover that the boxes still use a IA 20 years old. For example, even if you drive at 400 km / h, it is not uncommon to see a police car pass you at speeds that could be almost completely unbelievable to calculate Mach. Indeed, whatever your speed, they are set to adapt. That's about the same for your opponents: it is entirely possible to pass a sentence by pressing on the accelerator while the next second, the same car is impossible to catch up no matter if you're full turbo. If we add the random shock management, we often feel like playing Russian roulette, especially annoying defect in a racing game. Inevitably, the actual content as we spend a little above. However, the types of races are trying to diversify between the prosecution with the police or the elimination races where you have to turn up to opponents of the route. The money raised helps unlock new vehicles and improvements. The more you race, the more you go up in level which offers the possibility of finding new sponsors providing additional bonuses. By cons, if the game features a multiplayer local game enthusiasts can brush Online. In fact the only features "online" are the rankings and downloads of ghosts. It was nice to be nice, it still lacks something there not? Finally, since this is the leitmotif of the console, briefly discuss the 3D effect, which is probably in the middle of what has been seen. The problem is that when the sets are ugly at the base, you add a nice depth effect, it is still ugly. Single vehicle modeling is doing pretty well. To finish in style, just for laughs still having problems finishing, it is quite possible as asphalt is the first 3D game where all the cars have a gearbox ... infinite! Yes, yes, even if you're up to your speed, your vehicle to change gears without any reason for a result just sound ridiculous. In short, what should we do more for 3D Asphalt worst possible choice as your first purchase of Nintendo 3DS? Even if you absolutely need a car game to go with your brand new portable console, it therefore prefer Ridge Racer 3D, which means that does not dazzle you with all his nonsense.

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