Upon his arrival in 2005 on the DS, Nintendo had managed to create excitement with Nintendogs, counting on the attraction of animals too cute to attract crowds of fascinated children ... and charge the parents too happy that the pet is only virtual. The advantage of software in itself was real, the successful modeling of small creatures rivaling a credible system of interactions into a successful game. A little more than five years later, we can not say that the recipe has changed significantly, the very principle of Nintendogs remaining identical course: adopt a dog kennel, bring it back home and start to deal with it. Three versions of the same game coexist and offer different breeds of dogs, 9 to start, and 27 in all to unlock as you go. Once snug in your home (the sets differ randomly and are modifiable through a store), it will begin to get acquainted with your dog, give it a name and tell him, already! - A few simple turns. It will always use the touch screen and voice recognition of the console, as was the case for the DS. The manipulations are simple pen and associate certain movements with a word, via the microphone, turns rather convincing. However, speech recognition is improved, and sometimes a bit lacking. Your puppy will learn that three revolutions per actual day, thus artificially slowing the progression of the most persistent, but this rate should undoubtedly the most children.
Apart from the training itself, there are also activities already in Nintendogs first name. Starting to walk with your puppy in one of three randomly selected environments (sea, city, mountain), you can make him make friends, take a little time out in a cafe with her, or the take her to the park, instead allowing him to practice three different disciplines, to a championship. Unfortunately, your cherub will still participate in competitions, organizing themselves this time around the start of records, the lure of competition and Obedience. Five sections were put into play, and correspond to five levels of difficulty. But again, you will participate twice a day at a given activity. Do not expect to run headlong into the competition and take it directly. The training will be essential so that your dog acquires himself automation necessary. Cats + Nintendogs is not so remote from the contingencies of the real world it seems. These cuts allow you to earn money, which will serve you well for progress in the game and improve the lives of dog. Furniture, beauty accessories, food, shampoo, brushes ... because once back at home, we must take into account the needs of your dog by washing, giving him to eat or drink ... that said, the game is not looking too, and these basic needs are not fortunately not really present.
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